Our office is open for in person services. Office hours are:
Mon-Thur: 8:00AM - 7:30PM
Friday: 8:00AM - 1:00PM
- Complete the Budget Request Form if you would like to request funds from the ASU. Email the form to @email 4 weeks in advance to your event.
- Complete the Disbursement Request Form to process purchase orders once funding has been approved by the ASU and/or using club funds. Email form to @email.
Vendor Insurance Information
Clubs and/or Departments that wish to use a vendor for events on campus require vendor insurance. Per the LACCD, when a college contracts with another party often requests a Certificate of Insurance as part of an acceptable contract or agreement.
Policies for Contracting with Vendors
- If you are planning an event and plan to have a vendor provide a service (i.e. speakers, catering, performances, etc.) you will need to a miscellaneous contract and vendor insurance that includes general liability and auto insurance (if driving vehicle to campus).
- If your vendor is providing delivery services, only the certification of insurance is required.
Please read the instructions carefully
Guide for Vendor Insurance: LACCD RVNA Quote Special Events Guide
- Read the RVNA Quote Special Events Guide for Step by Step Process
- Click on the link to purchase vendor insurance: Special Event Insurance
- Send your vendor the link to purchase the insurance needed.
Auto liability
Sample of Certificate of Insurance: Accord
- Miscellaneous Form - Used for performers, other contracts, such as bus transportation, etc. If you are paying an individual, you must use this form.
- Complete the Student Life Facilities Request Form to reserve Student Life Spaces such as the Lion's Den, Study Lair, or Skybox Conference Room. Email form to @email 15 business days prior to your event.
- Complete the Use For College Facilities Request Form to request spaces on campus such as Monarch Hall, Fireside Room, etc. Email form to @email 15 business days prior to your event.
- Complete the Event Request Form for events you are planning. Email form to @email 15 business days prior to your event.
- Complete the Equipment Use Agreement Form if you wish to borrow equipment from the ASU for your event. Submit the form to @email at least 10 working days prior to your event.
- Copy Request Form - Complete form if you wish to have flyers for an approved club event. All requests need a 48-hour advance notice. Send completed form with approved, stamped flyer to ASU at the Student Life Office or email us at @email.
- Vendor Form (used for any vendor who wants to sell on campus); also need a certificate of insurance. Food vendors also need Food Handling/SafeServe Certificate. Submit all paperwork 10 business days prior to event
- Risk Management For Field Trips Form - Are required for ALL Off-Campus Events and Activities. Follow Submission Instructions on form.
- Field Trip Excursion Form - Are required for ALL Off-Campus Events and Activities.
- Instructions for Field Trips - Are required for ALL Off-Campus Events and Activities.
- Fundraising Form - Required for ALL fundraising events and/or donations. Read guidelines prior to completing. Your club may not start fundraising prior to submitting this form for pending approval.
- Guest Agreement Form - Form is only used for guest speakers who are not charging a fee for their services. Performers do not apply. Submit with your event request form 15 business days in advance to @email.
- Miscellaneous Form - Used for performers, other contracts, such as bus transportation, etc. If you are paying an individual, you must use this form.
- Has your event been approved?
- Your flyer must include the current LAVC Logo and the current ASU Logo. Please email @email if you need examples of the logo.
- Make sure your flyers include the "Disabled Access" logo and wording before getting stamped for approval. A phone # or email must be provided for students to contact in case they need an accommodation. Also, insert the date (deadline) by which a student must make a request. Give at least 2 weeks.
- The ASU has money set aside for this purpose. Please contact the ASU Office if your club needs assistance paying for sign language fees.
- Your event must be approved before getting stamped.