Jewish Studies

colorful mosaic with many different symbols of Judaism.

This degree enables students to appreciate the rich culture and heritage of the Jewish people from the biblical epoch to the contemporary modern experience; to help students understand the Jewish contribution to world culture in general and to Western culture in particular; and to develop the skills to read and interpret relevant sources. This degree will help prepare students for upper division coursework in Jewish Studies.

Nathan Placencia
(818) 778-5898
Office Location
Admin 3
Office Hours
email for availability


Philosophy, Economics, and Jewish Studies


Humanities and Communications

Social and Behavioral Studies


Jewish Studies Degree

Click the tabs below to find out about the Jewish Studies Degree.

  • The AA in Jewish Studies is designed to prepare students to prepare students for upper division work in the field of Jewish, Hebrew and/or Religious Studies. 

AA Jewish Studies


Full-time Faculty

Name Contact Information

Nathan Placencia


Adjunct Faculty

Name Contact Information

Zev Garber
